Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Here is a link to my storyboard on my wiki

Storyboard Attachment

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wiki Modifications

One of the modifications I made to my wiki portfolio was a calendar. This will add to my portfolio because I can add important dates, events and deadlines onto the calendar. Also, the people who look at my portfolio can see these dates also if they need to. It will help me stay organized and keep track of important things. Not only could I add personal dates to the calendar, but important holidays are on the calendar also.

Week 3 PLE Post

What I understand about copyright is that teachers can use things without permission, but there are limitations. Things can't be used as entertainment or for a reward. Also if it is a company's business selling materials to classrooms, those things need to be bought. Everything used needs to be cited. It is important for teachers to understand the laws of copyright in the classroom so they won't use anything illegally and get in trouble with the company or author.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 2 PLE Post

The things that I might use tokbox for as a teacher would be to get feedback from my students about a particular assignment or about something new we tried in class. This way I could get feedback from my students without using class time. Another thing I could use it for is as an activity the kids could do at home as an assignment. Instead of having the students just write something and hand it in, I could have them record themselves saying it and turn it in that way. The most interesting thing I learned in class on Tuesday was that knowledge has four parts (purpose, central message, validations and values) and that experience also has four parts (capture, expand, teach and evaluate).

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Week 1 PLE Post

I am not known for my expertise on technology, but do have experience with it. I took a computers class in high school and know how to do basic things with them. I have worked with cell phones and digital cameras and other basic electronic devices. When something is wrong with technology, I usually do not usually know how to fix it. I usually do trial by error until I figure it out or until someone who knows can help me. I would say that I have an average understanding of the basic functions of technology.